This weekend HPU2 will welcome the delegation of National Taichung University, Taiwan (NTCU) to come for a visit. The five-person NTCU team is led by the NTCU President, Prof. Szu-Wei Yan who is also a prominent educational research and well known in Asia academia for comparative education and Japanese education. Further information about NTCU and Prof. Szu-Wei Yan can be found at the English website of NTCU http://www.ntcu.edu.tw/eng/.
This weekend HPU2 will welcome the delegation of National Taichung University, Taiwan (NTCU) to come for a visit. The five-person NTCU team is led by the NTCU President, Prof. Szu-Wei Yan who is also a prominent educational research and well known in Asia academia for comparative education and Japanese education. Further information about NTCU and Prof. Szu-Wei Yan can be found at the English website of NTCUhttp://www.ntcu.edu.tw/eng/.

Prof. N. V. Ma is holding a meeting with the NTCU representative
There will be an M.O.U signing ceremony held in the International Meeting Room, HPU2 on 7 August, 2010. Prof. Nguyen Van Ma, Rector and other officials of HPU2 are expecting to attend the ceremony and welcome our distinguished guests f-rom Taiwan. The M.O.U will be the fundamental step for further cooperation between the two universities. The discussion meeting afterward will focus on details of what the two universities work together in the short term time. Some longer plan of cooperation will also discussed among HPU2 and NTCU participants.
There will be a campus tour for our Taiwanese guests and then a visit to Dailai lake, a famous place for weekends which is about five kilometres f-rom the HPU2 campus. May we wish Prof. Szu-Wei Yan and other members of the NTCU delegation a very fruitful and nice journey to Xuanhoa.